Meet Team Brio

GCH CH Can CH BPIS BBPIS Brio's Big Wave Maker TD Can TD UTD
This gorgeous boy from our Maui X Breyer "Under The Sea" Litter is a new addition to Team Brio. Reef is set to have a busy career in conformation, tracking, obedience and field work.
Reef is a true sweetheart, tail never stops wagging and he is a joy to train and live with! Reef has shown loads of natural ability on birds and tracking. We can't wait to see what the future holds for this special little man!
Reef made his show debut in August 2023, racking up several Best Baby Puppy In Group wins. Reef won his first Best Baby Puppy In Show under Judge John Palmer of Australia, making for one very proud breeder, owner, handler! Reef is pictured here at 4 months old.
At 6 months of age Reef notched an impressive Best Puppy In Show Win under Judge Kathrine Grant!
Reef's tracking career is off to a great start, recently earning his CKC Tracking Dog title one day after his 7 month birthday!
Reef ventured to the Weimaraner Club of America Central Futurity in Missouri, where he placed second in his Junior Futurity class with handler Rusty Howard. On the way home he earned his Urban tracking Dog title!! Such a promising young man!

Am CH /Can GCH MBBPIS CH Brio's The Coast Is Clear TD Can TD UTD
Feisty, bold, intelligent, independent, and beautiful are a few of the words we would use to describe Ocean. This little one captured our attention over 9 weeks and put on quite the performance at her 8 week evaluation. This little girl will be one to watch as she sets out with her brother Reef to strut her stuff in all competitive venues. This girl will excel in all that comes her way!
Ocean hit the show scene for the first time in August, earning an impressive 3 back to back Best Baby Puppy In Show wins at 4 months of age - all breeder, owner handled! Ocean finished her CKC conformation Championship in December 2023 at 8 months of age, with a Best of Opposite win over specials.
Ocean earned her Tracking Dog title one day after her 7 month birthday and her Urban Tracking Dog title at 12 months old, tracking with precision and style just like her dam Breyer and big sister Bria!
More recently, Ocean has been floating around the show ring and is a Group winning and multiple Group placing Weimaraner. We recently completed her Canadian Grand Championship and her American Championship with several major wins, majority breeder, owner handled.

CH Brio's Next Kahuna
Rosc is a littermate to Ocean & Reef from our Maui X Breyer "Under the Sea" breeding. He is co-owned with Brio Weimaraners, as he showed so much potential for both show and competitive work at the time of our 8 week puppy evaluations.
Rosc is an absolute sweetheart, loves everyone he meets and enjoys his time in the spotlight. He recently finished his CKC Conformation Show Championship with an impressive Best of Winners win at the Weimaraner Association of Canada National Specialty, where I handled him from the bred by exhibitor class.
Rosc shows a strong aptitude for tracking, and since finishing his show championship, Rosc and his primary owner Tom are working towards earning some tracking titles. Lots more to come from this gorgeous rising star!

MTCH Am/Can CH Brio's Queen Bee TD Can FDJ
Bria is our pick female from our Beck x Breyer "Bee Litter" breeding.
Bria is the life of the party, sweet and spicy, and always greets you with a huge toothy grin and kisses.
Bria has been in Tracking training since 9 weeks of age, both in Urban and Field settings. At 10 months of age Bria earned her Tracking Dog title, at 17 months her Urban Tracking Dog title, and at 18 months her Urban Tracking Dog Excellent tile - a significant accomplishment for such a young pup. In October 2023 at just 2 years of age, Bria finished her CKC Tracking Championship, passing a difficult TDX Track in Armstrong under Judge Norma Schaffer!!! 2 weeks later Bria earned a second TDX leg towards her Master Tracking Championship under Judge Greg Martin from Alberta! We are insanely proud of this young girl!! On September 15, 24 Bria became the Second Weimaraner in history to earn a CKC MASTER TRACKING CHAMPIONSHIP title, the only other Weimaraner to do so is her mother Breyer!! We could not be more proud of the exceptionally talented girl!
Bria has loads of natural field ability recently completing her field dog junior title with scores of 98/100.
Our beautiful girl recently completed her AKC conformation Championship with very limited showing and 4 back to back AKC Major show wins! 2 weeks later Bria completed her CKC Championship with a big 4 point Best of Winners Win at Pacific Kennel Club show. This little one has a bright future ahead of her.

Breyer is Brio Weimaraners's foundation bitch.
Multi-Champion Breyer completed her CKC Master Tracking Championship on Oct 30, 2022 making her the first Weimaraner in Canadian history to earn this prestigious title!!!
Breyer completed her CKC Championship at 8 months of age and her Grand Championship at the earliest possible age - on her 1st birthday, with 13 Best Puppy in Group wins, 2 Best Puppy in Show Wins, and several Sporting Group placements including Group 1 - all owner handled. Breyer quickly completed her AKC Championship and is in the process of working on her AKC Grand Championship. Breyer was Canada's #1 Weimaraner Puppy in 2019 and was Top 10 for the breed.
Breyer being as intelligent as she is beautiful, completed her CKC Tracking Championship at age 3, and her Master Tracking Championship at age 4.
Breyer also holds both Rally Obedience and Field titles. Breyer achieved her Field Dog Junior title and Water Dog Junior titles with a perfect score of 100.
I am extremely fortunate as a breeder and competitor to have such a talented and beautiful representation of the Weimaraner breed to build the future of Brio Weimaraners.

CH Trax Ever So Clever Am RE TD JH Can CD RM TDX FD WDJ
Brynn is naturally gifted in obedience completing her Companion Dog and Rally Obedience titles with majority High In Class wins and always perfect or near perfect scores.
Brynn has excelled in the Field - with several AKC Open and Amateur Field Trial Placements and an Open Derby win as a yearling. Brynn holds AKC/CKC tracking titles as well as field titles and is a CKC conformation Champion.
This girls loves everything adventure and over the years we have endured many "Brynn-cidents", mainly attributed to her crazy love for birds! She is the absolute sweetest girl you ever will meet, my partner in all things wonderful importantly Brynn is such an important member of our family.

Best Keep Secret TD JH Can PCD TDX UTD FDJ
Over the years Berkeley has competed and earned titles in Tracking, Obedience, and Field venues. He is the most enthusiastic worker, loves a job and gives his whole heart. He is now enjoying the retired life at Brio - doing what he loves best, swimming, fetching, and nooking on his blanket all day every day.

Krystal Crighton
Brio Weimaraners Breeder, Owner Trainer
I have trained and handled my Brio dogs in all competitive venues - Conformation, Tracking, Obedience, and Field, I have a profound appreciation for the versatility, competitive drive, beauty, intelligence, loyalty, and personality of the Weimaraner breed.
My goal as a breeder, trainer, and owner is to continue to produce healthy dogs who are a pleasure to live with and capable of all forms of competitive work.
I am the proud owner, handler and trainer of Canada's first Weimaraner to earn a CKC Master Tracking Championship.